Guest: Dr. Jenny Tung, Associate Professor of Biology, Duke University; 2024 MacArthur Foundation fellow (“genius” grant)
Topics: Interplay between genes and behavior, Ambesoli Baboon Research Project, social status among baboons and rhesus macaques
Science News: “Jenny Tung wants to know how social stresses mess with genes”
Tung Lab
Duke Today: “Duke’s Jenny Tung Wins $625K MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant”
Amboseli Baboon Research Project
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Cystic Fibrosis Breakthrough
Guest: Dr. Scott Donaldson, Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill; Associate Director, Marsico Clinical and Translational Research Center; Director, UNC Adult CF Care Center
Topics: Breakthrough new treatment for cystic fibrosis, CF diagnostics, other new CF therapies, CFTR mutations
FDA approves new breakthrough therapy for cystic fibrosis
“Long-awaited cystic fibrosis drug could turn deadly disease into a manageable condition” Washington Post, October 31, 2024
UNC Adult Cystic Fibrosis Center
Scott’s Department of Medicine faculty page
Click to Download: Radio In Vivo February 5, 2024
Aye Aye Lemur Sixth Digit
Guest: Dr. Adam Hartstone-Rose, Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, NC State University
Topics: Recent discovery of a sixth digit “pseudothumb” in aye-aye lemurs, Adam’s other research in functional morphology and comparative anatomy in vertebrates
Guest: Dr. Dan Costa, retired National Research Program Director for Air, Climate and Energy Research Program, USEPA; Adjunct Professor, Environment Sciences and Engineering, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Topics: Air pollution research, air pollution toxicology, EPA, climate change, particulate matter
Dr. Dan Costa
Dan’s UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health faculty page
“Historical Highlights of Air Pollution Toxicology”
“Air Pollution Toxicology: A Brief Review of the Role of the Science in Shaping the Current Understanding of Air Pollution Health Risks”
Guest:Dr. Andrew George, Community Engagement Coordinator, Center for Public Engagement with Science; Lecturer, Environment, Ecology & Energy Program, UNC Institute for the Environment; host of “Furious George” show on WCOM
Topics: Research on well-water contamination, environmental justice, community engagement in environmental problem-solving
Guest: Dr. Xunrong Luo, Instructor, Departments of Medicine and Pathology, Duke University School of Medicine; Director of Translation, Duke Transplant Center
Topic: Transplantation state of the science, transplantation tolerance, immunosuppression, non-chimeric approach, new technologies in transplantation
“The outstanding questions in transplantation: It’s about time” article from American Journal of Transplantation
Click to Download: Radio In Vivo August 21, 2024
E-cigarettes and vaping
Guest: Dr. Ilona Jaspers, Professor, Departments of Environmental Science and Engineering; Pediatrics, Microbiology and Immunology; Director, Curriculum in Toxicology; Deputy Director, Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma and Lung Biology, UNC-Chapel Hill
Topics: Vaping and E-cigarettes health effects research, cinnamaldehyde (e-cigarette flavoring additive), translational studies related to air pollution health effects, cigarette smoking, nicotine addiction, burn pit smoke exposure study
Video: “Why underestimating the health effects of vaping is a bad idea”
The Jaspers Lab
NY Times: “Cinnamon may be safe in foods, but is it safe in e-cigarettes?”
UNC School of Medicine researchers receive $9.96 million U.S. DoD grant (burn pits study)
Click to Download: Radio In Vivo July 17, 2024
Tissue regeneration
Guest: Dr. Kenneth Poss, James B. Duke Professor of Cell Biology; Director, Regeneration Next Initiative, Duke University School of Medicine
Topics: Tissue regeneration, zebrafish regeneration model; heart, appendage, and spinal cord regeneration, Regeneration Next Initiative
“Can broken hearts be mended? Ken Poss, a pioneer on heart regeneration research”
Ken’s Department of Cell Biology faculty page
Click to Download: Radio In Vivo May 22, 2024
Gene therapy for Pompe disease
Guest: Dr. Dwight Koeberl, Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology; Medical Director, Pediatric Biochemical Genetics Laboratory, Duke University
Topics: Gene therapy clinical trial for Pompe disease, gene therapy history and current practice, enzyme replacement therapy, newborn screening, Actus Therapeutics
Guest: Dr. Herman Pontzer, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University
Topics: Evolution of human metabolism, constrained energy expenditure model, physical activity and metabolism, the science of diet & exercise, cardiometabolic health in hunter-gatherers